How to use YouTube like a Pro?

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well.

This is the third time I am sharing my thoughts with you. You can read my last two Posts by clicking here and here.  This time Post is about using YouTube. I have tried myself these tricks on the Chrome Browser and then, I am sharing my findings with you all. I hope, like in the past, you will find some more valuable information in this Post, which will help you to use YouTube like a pro. 

Let’s start discussing each point one-by-one:

1. Don’t have any idea about where to start from?
You can start by typing alphabets from a to z and it will show you about 14 most searched video options in the dropdown box by the users depending upon the region you belong to. In case, if after typing an alphabet, the website doesn’t show any result, press Space bar once and then, Backspace once and it will start showing you the list.   

2. Recommendations by YouTube:
Now, YouTube has started showing Recommendations right underneath the Search bar based on your and other user’s usage in your region. It can also save a lot of time. I 
think it’s a good move for YouTube users and make the users’ lives easy.

3. Removing specific results from the searched word:
Let’s say you are searching for a country. The chances are that YouTube will show you results about various big or small news channels in that country. If you want to remove these news channels from your search results, simply put – (minus) right after your desired country name like this “USA -news channels”. This trick can be used in other scenarios also.  

4. Viewing most recent videos posted on a specific date:
Simply type the search query in the format of “Month (MM) /Date (DD)/ Year (YYYY) videos” for e.g. “2/12/2018 videos” or “02/12/2018 videos” to get the specific date’s videos. If no result found related to your query, it will show you the next related result. You can also click on the various options given in Filter that appears right under the search bar to further refine your search query.    

5. Viewing most recent videos posted on a specific date and time:
If you want some more recent results, you add even time to your search queries. Simply write the “Month (M) /Date (DD)/ Year (YYYY) 2020 videos 00:00 am” or 
“1/10/2018 videos 00:00 am”. I tried with 24 hours format, but the results were not recent ones. Filter, as stated above, can be used to refine the search query.

6. Searching for a specific topic:
Let's say you want to search cartons related to Mickey Mouse, just right "Mickey Mouse" and you will get your desired results starting from most recent to old entries. 
7. Searching for a specific movie:
Always use the word “movie” after the movie name to ensure that you get the maximum movie related stuff. Otherwise, you will get some unwanted stuff along with the movie entries. 

So this was my Post, I hope you learned something new today and will look forward to my next Post. FYI, I will add more info to this Post later on as I will discover 
some more new tricks.

Have a great day ahead.

I will look forward to your positive comments.

You may also like to read my other two Posts here and here.


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