Latest YouTube video ideas for beginners

Think Outside of the Box - YouTube video ideas for Beginners

Hello Friends,

How are you all?

I hope you will like this Post and will keep on reading this and other Posts / Blogs that will follow. I will try to cover a broad spectrum of topics in those Posts / Blogs making them most informative & useful. So stay tuned. 

Before I start introducing the Youtube video topics, I want to remind all of you to read, re-read and try to clearly understand the latest terms and conditions of YouTube to avoid any kind of big or small problems. Let's start discussing each point one-by-one:

Starting Logo - YouTube video ideas for Beginners

1. Lesser-known events’ info:
Every country has some lesser-known yet interesting (new or old) events that happen at different times of the years, search for them and create a very useful video while providing the below most searched info: 
  1. What exactly that event is?
  2. How to register?
  3. Where to register (if there is any registration required)?  etc.

for the foreigners who want to visit new countries.  

2. Best websites reviews:
Well, this is very common but will remain the most important topic for YouTube videos till the internet is running. According to an old website called millforbusiness, approximately 380 new websites are created every minute! You can just Google in your free time about new websites, and make a video explaining what makes your selected website so exciting and informative.

3. Explaining difficult topics: 
There are many difficult topics that schools, colleges and universities students face difficulty in understanding. If you are good at any of these topics, take your smartphone / camera to start recording and posting for the benefits of other students. You will also make some money out of it. You can think about senior citizens’ problems as well while deciding on video topics.

4. Fixing broken things:
If you know how to fix broken delicate or complex items, you can record each and every step on your smartphone or on a professional camera and put it on YouTube. Chances are people looking for a solution would watch it and will be thankful to you for your contribution by subscribing to your Channel.

5. Amazing facts:
Every now and then, new info pops up about our earth, solar systems, and other things around us. If you come across stuff like that, you can create a video and post for others to watch and learn.

6. How products are made:
If you happen to visit a factory and have a chance to see the production of a product, you can create a video about the process and post, if allowed to record and publish the video by the company to avoid any problem.

7. Lesser-known info about countries:
There are tons of websites about the countries of the world on the internet that provide known facts. Try to find something lesser-known but true facts, and share with others through video.

8. Car features:
This idea is not for everyone as everyone does not have access to new cars. If you have access, do create a video explaining the best features of the available vehicle, if allowed with no copyrights, etc issues.

9. Household Goods Moving Info:
If you had a chance to shift your household goods from one country to another or from one city to another city, or within the same city, you can create a video explaining the problems you faced to help others to understand and avoid the same problems.

10. How to operate an old gadget:
Finding an old gadget could be exciting for some people and would be curious to learn how to operate that gadget. If you have one at your home and are sure that a lesser number of people know how to operate it correctly, please go ahead and make a video for them.

11. PC & Internet Problems solving:
Often some unexpected problems/bugs come up while using PC or the internet. If you are an expert and can solve any such problem, create a video for others to enable them to fix the problem at home without any hassle.  Of course, with necessary disclaimers.

12. How to operate new software:
New useful software also come every year in the market in different sectors, if you know how to operate one, you can create a video for others to learn that software.

13. Unknown but interesting places:
You can also create a video explaining to others the authentic unknown yet exciting facts about known / unknown places around you. This kind of stuff is searched by people who want to explore new places.

14. Changing PC / Laptop Parts:
Replacing some PC / Laptop parts could be tricky yet can be done at home without any expertise. If you are an expert and facing such an issue, create a video while fixing it and upload it on YouTube for the benefit of others. Also, cover yourself with disclaimers. 

15. Video Games Reviews:
If you are a professional gamer and often come across a new game, you can share your thoughts about that game covering every aspect like price, graphics used, etc. It will also help you grow your Youtube Channel.    
YouTube on screen - YouTube video ideas for Beginners

So this was my Post, I hope you learned something new today and will look forward to my next Post. I will try to cover some more Youtube ideas in my next Post.

Till then, take care.

I will look forward to your positive comments.

You can also check my other two Posts here and here.


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